Weight: 17.94
Height: 28.25
-She has her own unique crawl...one leg up and one dragging...it kind of looks like the girl that crawls out of the TV on the movie "The Grudge"
-She pulls herself up on everything and everyone. And walks along furniture.
-She is very smart...when you say "Hi, hey, wave, bye" she waves. When you say "Arms up," she raises her arms. When you say "kisses" she leans in and kisses you. She can clap when you say "clap," or when you sing. She knows her name and is a really good listener when she wants to be. In her walker she can stop, turn, backup, and lift it up whenever she wants. She will chase you in it. And she plays peek-a-boo..it's so cute.
-She has the cutest laugh you have ever heard, she loves little kids Ayden makes her laugh the hardest...he can just look at her and she cracks up.
-She LOVES being outside and LOVES laptops, cell phones, remotes (anything that she "can't" have).
-She loves looking at herself in the mirror. She loves to sing and be sung to and loves to talk.
I can't believe that she is going to be a YEAR old in 3 months. Time just goes by so fast. I really treasure the moments that we have together, I am so blessed to be a stay at home Mom. I love James so much and am so grateful for everything he has done for our family.
****Some exciting to news to come....*****(and NO I am NOT pregnant!)